About Tourists
Source of image: farnaztravel.wordpress.com Almost all of countries crave for tourist arrivals because it can bring foreign exchange for them. So many countries compete to attract the tourists. All of you who come from Europe or America have advantages if you want to vacation in Asia countries due to the value of its currency is lower than Europe and America, for example in Indonesia 1 USD = Rp.13,444/ 1 GBP = Rp.21,133/ 1 EUR = Rp.15,015. So if you come from Europe and America, especially the United States, it would be nice to visit and spend your time in Indonesia. You will have a long vacation and could explore many wonderful places. And for us, the Indonesian citizen, we have to work hard and save our money gradually and we don't know when we could visit your country. Nevertheless, yo don't have to worry, we just need to strive to build the economy of our citizens. Meanwhile, you just enjoy our lovely country and we promise to accept you as ...