Rich But Poor

Ora beach, Seram Island,  Indonesia

Indonesia is one of a big country in the world. It has many natural resources and the fourth largest population in the world after United State. Furthermore, this country is known as an "archipelago state" that lengthwise from Merauke to Sabang. Besides that, Indonesia has a strategic location. It's connecting Australia with Asia, and Indonesian seas, especially Malaka Strait become international trade lanes.

Yet, unfortunately, Indonesia is a pathetic country too. Indonesia can't manage the resources. Finally, other countries take advantage by mastering critical sectors such as mining, finance, plantation, forestry, and fishery. There are Freeport that changing hills into a basin. Many decades, Freeport as a company from the United State takes many gold and copper from Indonesian land.

Indonesia also has a fertile land, but many foreign companies planting palm trees and displacing local residents. Moreover, we can say "Indonesian people become slaves in their country".

We can see, that middle class keeps on growth, but the other side, the economic gap between rich and poor is very sharp. To get out of this situation Indonesian people have to believe in their own ability.

Indonesian founding father, Soekarno mentioned three principals to be a great nation (TRISAKTI): Independent in  politic; independent in economic; and has a character in culture. Without it all, this country will never end up from misery.


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